Tuesday 20 April 2010

Why do people eat unhealthy when they know it is bad for them?

In the 21st century people are very aware of what foods are and aren't unhealthy for them. There are several television programmes such as "Supersize vs Superskinny" and "You are what you eat" that are based on what foods consist as "healthy" and what excersize people can do to remain healthy.

Glossy magazines such as "heat" and "More Magazine"are full of celebrities talking about their weight and many have a strong, public urge to be a "size zero", which equates to around a size 6/8. On one hand their has been critisism and blame on celebrities and magazines for people, especially young girls, gaining eating disorders but on the other hand everyone is telling people that we should eat healthy.

Reasons people may eat unhealthily include:
  • Convinience - people are often lazy

  • Generally, unhealthy food such as fast food, tastes better than healthy food

  • People like to have a choice in what they do and not be told what to eat!

  • Habit - once people get into the habit o eating unhealthily it is very difficult to reverse!

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