Friday 16 April 2010

Gambling: "The sure way of getting nothing from something"

Gambling is a game entirely based on luck rather than skill. Statistically more people lose that win and many people end up gambling their valued possesions away such as their house or life savings. A gambling addiction can often wreck a persons life, resulting in them loosing their jobs, possessions, even their why do people do it??
Risk taking seems to be the mot popular reason that people gamble. They get an adrenalin rush and feel a positive buzz from the chance that they could win.
Escapism is another reason people gamble. It provides an escape from everyday life, whether it be by going to a casino itself or gambling online.
The media often portray the gamblers lifestyle as glamourous. In films such as James Bond characters are seen in casinos and they live a "high society" lifestyle.
People gamble to socialize. Gambling is culturally accepted in the most western countries and people often go to a place to gamble such as a casino or horse racing to socialize.
However, people can gain gambling addictions and end up loosing everything; the fantasty world of gambling isn't always what it is imagined as, yet most people know this yet still gamble.

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