Saturday 17 April 2010


Why do people speed?? Speed limits are set out very specific and clear yet people still feel the need to exceed it often resulting in being caught by speed cameras or police and getting points on their license and a large fine.
The national speed limit in the UK is 30mph. This is the speed limit that is imposed in most built up areas where people are about. To stop people speeding all sorts of measures have been put in place such as speed cameras and speed bumps. However, more people than ever are still getting caught speeding, so why do they do it?

Many people feel that the 30mph limit in most areas is too slow and it slows their journey down so they speed in order to get to where they are goin quicker. People often speed when they are late for work or an appointment.

Some people, especially younger people, gain a "natural high" from speeding. Often encouraged by films such as "Need for speed" and video games, they think that they look desirable to others doing this. The films and games often portray a very positive image of the speeder, (which is usually presented as a male), surrounded by girls, sports cars, money and the respect of others.

The Goverment claims that the speed limit of 30mph is for a very good reason. They have published many adverts and posters of the affects of going 10mph over the speed limit can have.

Germany and the The Isle of Man are the only places in the world not to have a general speed limit.

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